To a mere 3% land area by the jews in Palestine before 1917 to 87% land occupation by the Israeli jews in 2000 is one of the happening global conspiracy ever known. In the late years of the 19th century, Some Jews concluded that only in a Jewish state would Jews be safe and thus founded Zionism. And for many orthodox Jews, especially the small Jewish community in Palestine , a Jewish state could only be established by God, not by humans. At first Zionists were willing to consider other sites for their Jewish state, but they eventually focused on Palestine for its biblical connections. Following World War I, Britain arranged for the League of Nations to make Palestine a British colony to be administered by Britain and prepared for independence. To help justify its rule over Arab land, Britain arranged that one of its duties as the mandatory power would be to promote a Jewish national home. Who were the jews that came to Palestine The early Zionist settler...